Playing (with) non-violence
Last month, on September 25th at the Vimma, Youth Art and Activity Centre in Turku the CoE GameCult together with AgainNeverAgain project, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies and SELMA centre, co-organised a workshop on educational aspects of video games.

Memes and contemporary football culture to explore fascism
Tea Sindbaek Andersen and Tippe Eisner from University of Copenhagen ask “Why would you use a Fascist salute to celebrate a football victory?” in a Danish High School.

Learning to learn about remembrance and trauma transmission
International symposium on remembrance, trauma transmission and experiential learning was held at University of Turku, Finland, 27–29 May.

Family burdens across generations
Fictional family tree project was organized as a course for international social services students of Metropolia and DIAK during spring semester 2019.
Beds in normal and extraordinary times: public performance and art intervention
Using former nuclear bomb shelter beds to thematize human need for rest, protection and shelter?

Breaking the Silence
University of Turku coupled with a local NGO StepEurope to organize a workshop on the topic of (collective) silence and with the use of visual and digital storytelling.

Writing for Wikipedia about the 'last ones'
Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa explored the under-researched history of Serbian and Russian prisoners on the Alpine front throught the Wikipedia workshop and in-situ learning.

Join us between 27-29 May 2019 at University of Turku, Finland. Participation is free, registrations for the audience open on 15 April.

Mittelbayrische Zeitung reports on 'Experiment' in Regensburg and Cluj-Napoca
Foto: Mihai Chitu

„I do not care if we go down in history as barbarians“ (dir. Radu Jude, 2018)
On 24 January 2019, Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies of University of Regensburg (in collaboration with Donumenta) and PATRIR - Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania in Cluj-Napoca organized simultaneous screening of the movie ‘I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians’ (2018) by the Romanian director Radu Jude.
Are you listening to me? Active Listening and Empathy in the Classroom
A workshop organized from 18th-19th December 2018 in the premises of the Fourth Primary School in Mostar, TPO Foundation. Workshops hosted forty teachers, educators and psychologists from Herzegovina region. Workshops were organised with the help of Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Herzegovina Canton, whose representatives actively participated during both events.

»Too dirty to be pronounced from ethnic Lithuanian mouth«
In-situ event organized by Vilnius University Faculty of Communication, October 30th by visiting Paneriai mass killing site memorial for teachers, librarians and museum workers.

Save The Date
Welcome to Remembrance, Trauma transmission & Experiential Learning, international and interdisciplinary symposium held 27 - 29 May 2019, in Turku, Finland. The symposium will look forward to addressing the topics intersectionally, from various disciplinary backgrounds and especially by employing and introducing various pedagogical approaches.
Turun Sanomat covers project launch.
Turun Sanomat writing about the launch of the project and importance of addressing transmission of trauma in today's world.

Project Kick Off Meeting
The purpose of the kick-off meeting was an overall planning of the multiplier local events ran by project partners. Partners successfully planned and presented draft ideas of their local events, agreed upon the timeline of project phases, and defined potential local collaborations.

Press release in Turun Sanomat
The European Commission finances the University of Turku project on the transfer of cultural traumas.